The letters on Louis Vuitton date codes indicate the factory where the item was made. It's important to know that there is no official list of date code factory locations. The list below has been compiled from awesome LV fans on on the internet as well as from what I have personally seen on authentic Louis Vuitton bags and Louis Vuitton accessories. Please, let me know if you have any corrections for this list :) Location Code FRANCE A0, A1, A2, AA, AAS, AH, AN, AR, AS, BA, BC, BJ, BU, DK, DR, DU, DR, DT, CO, CT, CX, ET, FL, LA, LW, MB, MI, ML, MM, MS, NO, RA, RI, SA, SD, SF, SL, SN, SP, SR, TA, TJ, TH, TN, TR, TS, VI, VX ITALY BC, BO, CE, FH, FJ, FN, FO, IS, LP, MA, NZ, OB, PL, RC, RE, SA, TD, US SPAIN BC, CA, GI, LO, LB, LM, LW, UB USA FC, FH, FL, LA, OS, SD, TX GERMANY LP, OL SWITZERLAND DI, FA SCOTLAND AB CLICK to see more from Authentic Street