A question I see often regarding buying preloved LV is "If I'm curious about the authenticity of my bag can I just take it to Louis Vuitton to have it authenticated? Nope.
Unfortunately LV will not authenticate used bags. The reason for this makes sense - it's not their job. The Louis Vuitton boutiques are for buying new items and the sales associates are busy helping clients. It also wouldn't make sense for Louis Vuitton employees to authenticate because they are not trained for that. To authenticate all items that people would bring in they would need to know the insides and outside of ever item LV has ever made. This would be an entire job on top of the job they already do.So that opens up the need for people who do have this knowledge base to become professional Louis Vuitton authenticators.
Professional authenticators are not employed by Louis Vuitton and are not affiliated with LV in any way. There is no official list of authenticators or license to obtain.
Authenticators use their knowledge from their experiences with designer items to give an educated opinion on the authenticity of items. They can let you know if your item has all of the elements of an authentic piece or if it appears to be a counterfeit. They can also act as a third party in cases of disputes if you suspect you've purchased a fake.
If you are curious about the authenticity of your Louis Vuitton item please contact Authentic Street.
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